Our Residential Pest Control program consist of our initial annual inside baiting all indoor external walls and water areas on first visit, along with an outside perimeter treatment around the whole house, along with around doors, windows. We also sweep the eves and treat wasp nests around your soffit, for the control of roaches, ants, silverfish, millipedes, centipedes, and more. Future treatments are either 5 additional perimeter treatments (bi-monthly) or 3 additional treatments (quarterly).  

Flea and Rodent control are an additional charge. Rodent control is contingent upon homeowner repairing and/or sealing possible rodent entry points. If you experience problems in between your exterior treatments, just give our office a call. We will schedule a time, that works for you, for us to come back and treat the problem area(s).

We also offer a Commercial Pest Control program for office buildings, banks along with retail. Our Technician will meet with you and go over any issues you are currently having and come up with a custom treatment plan, that will work for your company needs.